1. Scope and Enforceability of These Ticketing General Terms of Sale (T&Cs)
These General Terms of Sale contain the terms and conditions which apply to you (the “PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER”) when you acquire or purchase one or more general admission and/or hospitality tickets (the “Ticket(s)”), for a LIV Golf League event (the “LIV Golf Event”) from LIV Golf Inc (where the LIV Golf Event is scheduled to take place in the USA) or LIV Golf Events Ltd (where the LIV Golf Event is scheduled to take place outside of the USA). For the purposes of these General Terms of Sale, “LIV Golf” shall refer to LIV Golf Inc, LIV Golf Ltd, LIV Golf Events Ltd, LIV Golf Inc and LIV Golf Ltd’s immediate parent company and their subsidiaries (including but not limited the entities incorporated for the purposes of the LIV Golf playing teams).
By accepting Tickets and agreeing to these General Terms of Sale, the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER also acknowledges having read and agreed to LIV Golf’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In the event of any conflict between those agreements and these T&Cs, these T&Cs will prevail.
These T&Cs apply to any PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER and to any BENEFICIARY (i.e., any person that benefits, in any way whatsoever, from a Ticket acquired by the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER, including any child that attends the LIV Golf Event with an adult in possession of a Ticket acquired by the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER), each of whom are referred to as a “HOLDER”. LIV Golf is entitled to modify these T&Cs from time to time, without notice. The version of the T&Cs that is applicable is the version accepted on the date on which the Ticket is bought or acquired. A copy of these T&Cs should be saved by the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER for the purpose of verifying the applicable version of the T&Cs at the point of purchasing the Tickets. The PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER agrees to ensure and confirms that the BENEFICIARY will comply with these T&Cs. If the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER is the parent or guardian of the BENEFICIARY, the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER agrees to these T&Cs on behalf of the BENEFICIARY.
The PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER accepting tickets is confirmation of the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER’s full acceptance to these T&Cs. The validation of the Ticket, and the HOLDER’s entry into the grounds of the LIV Golf Event (the “Venue”), are further confirmation of the HOLDER’s irrevocable acceptance of the terms and conditions which are applicable to the Venue (the “Venue Regulations”), which are displayed at the entrance to the Venue. Any HOLDER who does not comply with these Venue Regulations may be denied access to the Venue or may be expelled from it without being entitled to claim a refund for their Ticket. These T&Cs will prevail over the provisions of the Venue Regulations in case of any conflict.
Certain categories of Tickets (e.g., hospitality) may be subject to special terms and conditions of sale that will where applicable complement or modify these T&Cs.
Who needs a Ticket
Each person attending the Event needs a Ticket to enter the Venue, except:
General admission Tickets: up to two children under 13 years old can attend a LIV Golf Event per adult in possession of a general admission Ticket; and
Hospitality Tickets: up to two children under 4 years old can attend a LIV Golf Event per adult in possession of a hospitality Ticket.
Purchasing terms
Tickets will be available for purchase via the LIV Golf Website. LIV Golf is entitled to curtail or to extend the periods during which the Tickets are available for purchase, at any point in time, by any means and/or on any medium.
LIV Golf may impose quantity limitations on orders of certain Tickets.
“Bots” and other software applications that place orders for Tickets automatically via the Internet and/or that can replicate the online purchasing activity of several persons, are prohibited. If it appears that any Tickets have been obtained in this way, these Tickets will be considered as invalid, and the HOLDER of such a Ticket will be denied access to the Venue, without being entitled to any refund.
Any Tickets that are obtained via a distribution channel other than those authorised by LIV Golf will be null and void and may be cancelled without the HOLDER being entitled to any refund.
LIV Golf is entitled to cancel, without notice and without any refund, any purchase of a Ticket that might involve a risk of fraud, such as in case of a fraudulent use of a payment card.
Method of payment
The sole authorised method of payment is payment cards.
Any payment default will automatically lead to the cancellation of the proposed order.
LIV Golf is entitled to modify its ticket pricing policy and terms of sale at any time, without notice. HOLDERS shall not be entitled to a refund of the Ticket price (in full or in part) if tickets later become available at an alternative price.
The Tickets will be charged at the rates that are in force at the time of the confirmation of the order.
Registration and Delivery of the Tickets
Tickets purchased will be registered in the name of the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER, and where applicable, in the name of the BENEFICIARY. For environmental reasons, Tickets will be delivered in the form of an electronic ticket to the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER. Any Ticket purchased by the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER for a BENEFICIARY must be transferred to the BENEFICIARY using LIV Golf’s or the Designated Agent’s ticket transfer tool.
Terms of use of the Tickets
Each Ticket will only be valid for one entry on the day or days stated on the Ticket. Tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable.
Only the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER's Ticket delivered directly to the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER or a BENEFICIARY’s Ticket transferred to the BENEFICIARY using a transfer tool may be used to enter the Venue. At LIV Golf’s discretion, copies of a Ticket, including a screenshot of any Ticket, may not be accepted and the HOLDER of such Ticket may be denied entry to the Venue, without being entitled to any refund.
In order to be able to enter the Venue, any HOLDER, must present their Ticket at one of the checkpoints implemented, together with an identity document in their name (drivers licence, national identity card or currently valid passport). In the absence of these credentials, the HOLDER may be denied entry to the Venue, without being entitled to any refund.
The HOLDER must carry a functional mobile terminal (such as a smartphone) that enables the reading of the bar code or QR code of the Ticket on its screen.
LIV Golf disclaims liability in case of loss or theft of the mobile terminal on which the Ticket is stored, or in case of a malfunction of the mobile terminal (due for instance to a discharged battery, not being able to display or retrieve the Ticket, a breakdown or technical malfunction of the mobile terminal, not being able to connect to the Internet).
LIV GOLF may revoke access to the LIV Golf Event to any HOLDER at its sole discretion.
Customer service
Any queries concerning Tickets should be addressed to the Customer Service unit of LIV Golf, which may be contacted by e-mail at the following address: [email protected].
HOLDER assumes all risk associated with the purchase of any Tickets from any person or website other than the LIV Golf Website. The Tickets may not be used for advertising, promotion (including contests and sweepstakes), or other trade or commercial purposes without the express written consent of LIV Golf. No offer to resell or the resale of a Ticket is permitted to the extent prohibited by any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation. Any resale in violation of any law or regulation will invalidate the Ticket without being entitled to a refund. Tickets may not be resold or offered for resale inside the Venue, including in the surrounding grounds or parking areas of the Venue, and any person who sells or offers Tickets for resale at any price inside the Venue will be removed from the premises, will have their Ticket cancelled and may be prosecuted.
Any direct or indirect sale, resale, auction, assignment, or transfer of any Ticket must be done in accordance with all applicable laws and LIV Golf policies.
HOLDERS are requested not to post pictures of their Tickets on social networking sites. Third parties may use the details and offer them for sale online to defraud/attempt to defraud others into buying them. This may result in HOLDERS being refused entry to the LIV Golf Event.
The HOLDERS are responsible for their Tickets. Tickets shall not be refunded or exchanged (including in case of loss, theft or destruction) and no duplicate will be issued.
Only persons who are in possession of a Ticket (and any child entering with an adult in possession of a Ticket) may access the Venue once only on the day or days for which the Ticket is valid. Any person who is not in possession of a Ticket may be expelled from the Venue. HOLDERS must be able to access their Tickets at all times. The HOLDERS undertake to comply with the safety measures implemented by LIV Golf in its T&Cs, as well as with the Venue Regulations. Any breach of these measures may lead to the expulsion from the LIV Golf Event and prosecution of the HOLDER and in this case, they will not be entitled to receive a refund for their Tickets.
Access to the Venue will be prohibited to minors aged under 15 unless accompanied by an adult.
For reasons of safety (such as to prevent terrorism) and public health (such as to take protective measures against an epidemic like Covid-19), LIV Golf may take exceptional measures that might slow down access to and egress from the Venue, which HOLDERS acknowledge and consent to. Access to the Venue may be restricted to carriers of the documents required by the public health authorities on the date of the LIV Golf Event (such as a health pass or a vaccine passport).
Anyone showing clear signs of intoxication or of being under the influence of drugs will be denied access to the Venue.
Any person entering the Venue may have their image collected through the use of facial recognition technology, be made to undergo a pat-down body search and/or pass through a metal detector, and may be requested to show the objects that they are carrying. Anyone who refuses to submit to these checks or to follow the instructions issued by the personnel in charge of ensuring the application of these measures will be denied entry to the Venue and will not receive a refund of the price of their Ticket.
The HOLDERS are advised to regularly consult the LIV Golf website and the Venue Regulations, in order to best prepare for their visit to the Venue.
HOLDERS are subject to LIV Golf’s Entry and Carry-In policy as appended to these General Terms of Sale as Annex A. Failure to adhere may result in HOLDER being denied access or being ejected from the Venue and the price of their Ticket will not be refunded.
In addition, it is forbidden:
to scale or cross any fences, ropes, barriers or other elements designed to contain or segregate the audience;
to engage in races, stampedes or slides;
to go behind the ropes or enter any other unauthorised area of the Venue;
to sell or to hand over, in the Venue or in its immediate surroundings, any promotional or commercial item or object without the prior authorisation of LIV Golf. LIV Golf is entitled to ask the HOLDER to produce a copy of this authorisation upon entering the Venue or at any point in time during their presence in the Venue.
HOLDERS must at all times follow the instructions issued by the police, the members of the security detail, the fire brigade, the stewards, the medical personnel, or announced over the Venue’s tannoy system.
HOLDERS shall stay alert at all times to the golf being played in HOLDER’s vicinity including the direction of play, any instructions from marshals and any warnings issued on the course to try to prevent injury. HOLDERS shall immediately seek medical attention and report the incident to a LIV Golf representative if struck by a ball or otherwise injured.
LIV Golf is entitled to deny access to the Venue to any person whose clothing or behaviour might jeopardise the progress of the LIV Golf Event. Respect for one another and fair-play are key values. Therefore, HOLDERS undertake in particular not to engage in any behaviour that might cause harm to other persons, to the LIV Golf Event or to LIV Golf.
It is forbidden to jeopardise the progress of the LIV Golf Event by holding an unauthorised event or demonstration within the Venue or nearby, whether the event or demonstration in question be of a commercial nature (including any “ambush marketing”), or of a militant or personal nature.
It is forbidden to conduct any sales activity whatsoever, to offer free of charge or in return for consideration, to sell or to hold items with the intention of selling them (such as, but not limited to, drinks, food, souvenirs, clothes, promotional and/or commercial items, printed materials), without the prior written authorisation of LIV Golf.
HOLDERS will not do anything which might invalidate any insurance maintained by LIV Golf or the Venue in respect of the LIV Golf Event or which may increase the insurance premium payable by LIV Golf or the Venue for hosting the LIV Golf Event. HOLDERS agree to observe at all times these T&Cs, the Venue Regulations and all applicable laws, licences, regulations and/or instructions from LIV Golf and/or the Venue relating to the LIV Golf Event.
Any HOLDER authorises LIV Golf, its representatives, service providers, commercial partners, licensees and the operator of the Venue, free of charge, to record and to use images in which they appear, by any means of acquisition (photography, video, etc.) during the LIV Golf Event, on all media (without limitation in terms of quantity) and via any means of publication or broadcasting, worldwide and for the entire duration of the protection of the rights over same, with permission to assign these rights, for commercial or promotional purposes and/or for the purposes of showing the LIV Golf Event, and as part of the transmission of the LIV Golf Event by any medium whether current or future. If the HOLDER is under the age of eighteen (18), or under any other applicable age of majority, the HOLDER represents that at least one of HOLDER’s parents or legal guardians has also agreed to the terms of this section (and the use of HOLDER’s image) on HOLDER’s behalf. LIV Golf is entitled to assign these rights freely to any third party of its choosing.
Any HOLDER authorises LIV Golf, its representatives, service providers, commercial partners, licensees and the operator of the Venue, to use images made by a HOLDER in the Venue and submitted for display via any in-Venue fan engagement platform or system during the LIV Golf Event, free of charge, to record and to use such images in which they appear, on all media (without limitation in terms of quantity) and via any means of publication or broadcasting, worldwide and for the entire duration of the protection of the rights over same, with permission to assign these rights, for commercial or promotional purposes and/or for the purposes of showing the LIV Golf Event, and as part of the transmission of the LIV Golf Event by any medium whether current or future. If the HOLDER is under the age of eighteen (18), or under any other applicable age of majority, the HOLDER represents that at least one of HOLDER’s parents or legal guardians has also agreed to the terms of this section (and the use of HOLDER’s image) on HOLDER’s behalf. LIV Golf is entitled to assign these rights freely to any third party of its choosing.
Any photographs taken or other recordings of sounds or images made by a HOLDER in the Venue may be used only for private and personal, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes. Apart from private and personal, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes, i.e. to the exclusion of any commercial purposes, the HOLDER must not publish or broadcast at any time, over the Internet, on radio, on television and/or on any other form or type of media, whether current or future, any sound, image, description or result and/or statistics of the LIV Golf Event (whether wholly or partly), including any content of this kind created, recorded or captured as a still or moving image by mobile phones or by any other form of wireless and/or portable terminal, nor aid or abet any other person in engaging in such activities.
It is forbidden to use any means of communication (electronic or otherwise) to collect, transmit, distribute, publish or sell sports-related data (including scoring, statistics, etc.) intended for betting or gambling purposes. In the event of a violation of this prohibition, all requisite measures will be taken, ranging up to expulsion of the person involved from the Venue.
It is forbidden to use any Ticket as a means of promotional and/or commercial activities, such as (i) a prize in any competition, sweepstake, charity sale, auction, competition, game, lottery, internal simulation operations and any similar activities, and/or (ii) an element of a sale linked to the provision of any services or the sale of any goods by the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER, a BENEFICIARY or a third party, without first securing the express approval of LIV Golf.
The HOLDER is informed that, for their safety and security, the Venue may be equipped with a CCTV system whose images may be used in case of legal action or prosecution.
In addition, the HOLDER is informed that, for security purposes and where permitted by local law, LIV Golf and/or its security partner(s) may use facial recognition technology at the LIV Golf Event. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy, which is accessible at https://www.livgolf.com/privacy-policy.
The privacy of your personal information is important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us. Our Privacy Policy is accessible at https://www.livgolf.com/privacy-policy.
HOLDER assumes all risks incidental to the game of golf and attendance at the LIV Golf Event and related activities, from all known and unknown causes and obvious and hidden conditions, including being struck by misdirected balls and falls at the Venue and surrounding areas, and releases LIV Golf, LIV Golf’s associated companies, the LIV Golf Event’s appointed event managers, sponsors, host organisations, Venue, players, volunteers and all agents thereof from all liability resulting from attendance at the LIV Golf Event.
Insofar as this is permitted by law, LIV Golf disclaims liability for any damage and/or incidents beyond its control that occur during the LIV Golf Event. If LIV Golf is held liable for such an incident, LIV Golf undertakes to refund the price of the Ticket(s) that the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER paid, subject to the applicable rules and regulations.
LIV Golf will not be held liable in case of non-performance, late performance or partial performance of its obligations due to circumstances of force majeure, that results: (i) in the outright cancellation, the partial cancellation or the deferral of the LIV Golf Event, (ii) the holding of the LIV Golf Event behind closed doors or with a limited audience, compelling it as a result to cancel all or part of the Tickets ordered, or (iii) in any changes to the Venue, format, schedule and/or players at the LIV Golf Event. If LIV Golf decides to hold the LIV Golf Event behind closed doors, the HOLDER will be denied access to the Venue. For the avoidance of doubt, the following shall be considered as constituting force majeure: events beyond the reasonable control of LIV Golf including without limitation epidemics and pandemics (including Covid-19), health emergencies or similar occurrences; all decisions taken by government, administrative or judicial authorities to deal with same that are binding upon LIV Golf and that have an impact on the organisation of the LIV Golf Event; blockades, riots, acts of war, acts of terrorism, piracy, destruction of essential equipment by fire, explosion, storm, flood or earthquake; events of national mourning; failures of, shortages in or a loss of access to equipment, power, supplies, fuel or transport facilities; failure of a third party to provide required consent, exemption or clearance unless caused by the act or omission of LIV Golf; failure of a third party to permit reasonable advance access to the Venue.
Within the same limitations, the HOLDER waives and undertakes to ensure that its insurers waive any direct or subrogation actions against LIV Golf and its insurers in connection with the LIV Golf Event, and by extension, in case of force majeure.
Any ancillary bookings, including travel arrangements, accommodation, purchases, rentals, or in general any services that are booked by the HOLDERS in connection with their attendance at the LIV Golf Event, will be at their own expense and risk.
The HOLDER will be responsible for any personal property that they bring into the Venue, LIV Golf disclaim liability in case of loss, theft or damage to the personal property of the HOLDER.
Any persons that the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER brings into the Venue remains under the full responsibility of the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER.
The PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER agrees to ensure that the BENEFICIARY or BENEFICIARIES’ full compliance with these T&Cs and with the Venue Regulations and undertakes to disclose to them the texts of these provisions, or the web links giving access to same.
Scope of the validity of the Ticket
LIV Golf will be entitled to make changes to the time, the date, the duration or the Venue of the LIV Golf Event, or to any other detail of relevance to any Ticket, in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as force majeure, safety or security issues or decisions taken by any authorized person or by any authority that has jurisdiction to do so.
In case of such a change, LIV Golf will not be liable to the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER of the Tickets, or to any other person, for the costs, expenses or losses arising from this change, save as per the terms that are set out in the following paragraphs.
As soon as possible after the decision to delay, postpone, reschedule or cancel a day’s play, all the information available will be uploaded to the LIV Golf website and brought to the attention of the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER by any available means. Please note that it is also the HOLDER’s responsibility to ascertain whether the day’s play has been delayed, postponed, rescheduled or cancelled, whatever its date, time or place.
The PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER may have the option to take out cancellation cover for their Tickets at the time of placing their order. The PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER is informed that, where this cover is available, this cancellation cover will be subject to its own specific terms and conditions, and the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER must review, understand and accept them prior to taking out this cover. Any Ticket that is refunded under the cancellation cover will be cancelled automatically.
Reduced Play
LIV Golf is not obliged to offer any refunds, exchanges or replacement of Tickets where at least two continuous hours of play are held on the day in question. Where fewer hours of play have been held as a result of force majeure or other matter beyond the reasonable control of LIV Golf and no further play takes place that day, LIV Golf shall, at its discretion, provide the HOLDERS with one of the following:
A full refund of the face value of the Ticket paid to the Designated Agent;
A partial refund of the face value of the Ticket paid to the Designated Agent having taken into account the benefits enjoyed by HOLDER prior to play being halted;
The opportunity to attend the rescheduled LIV Golf Event or exchange Tickets for a comparable ticket to an alternative day at the LIV Golf Event.
Play behind closed doors or with limited capacity
If the LIV Golf Event is played behind closed doors or with a limited audience pursuant to a decision taken by LIV Golf, whatever the reason for this, the HOLDER’s Ticket may be refunded provided that the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER requests this within fifteen working days following the originally planned date of the LIV Golf Event.
Any claim regarding billing or any refund will only be considered if it is raised within forty-five working days following the scheduled date of the applicable LIV Golf Event. Where:
(i) the Ticket(s) were purchased directly from LIV Golf, the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER may contact the customer service unit of LIV Golf;
(ii) the Ticket(s) were purchased from a Designated Agent, the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER shall contact the relevant Designated Agent;
(iii) PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER obtained cancellation cover at the time of placing their order, the PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER shall contact the insurance provider.
If any provisions of these T&Cs are deemed inapplicable, for any reason, by a court or an authority that has jurisdiction, the other remaining provisions will remain fully in force, in accordance with the intention of the parties.
These T&Cs, the Venue Regulations and any policies referenced herein contain the entire agreement between LIV Golf and PRIMARY TICKETHOLDER and BENEFICIARIES relating to the subject matter of these T&Cs.
These T&Cs are governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and the laws of the state of New York, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any dispute arising from the application or the interpretation of these T&Cs, and in general, any dispute in connection with the purchase or the use of the Tickets, must be brought before (i) the English courts if the LIV Golf Event is due to be/was held outside of the US, and (ii) the courts of New York if the LIV Golf Event is due to be/was held in the US LIV Golf and HOLDERS waive their right to a trial by jury.
Any dispute in connection with the purchase or the use of a Ticket must be brought to the attention of LIV Golf by means of a letter sent by registered post to the following address: LIV Golf, c/o Zedra, Booths Hall, Chelford Road, Knutsford, England, WA16 8GS or by email to [email protected].
Alcohol Policy
LIV Golf prohibits anyone from bringing alcohol into the LIV Golf Event. Anyone who deliberately conceals alcohol while attempting to enter the LIV Golf Event will be denied entry without refund and will face possible arrest and/or revocation of Tickets and/or future ticket privileges. Those who are or appear to be impaired will be denied entry without refund. Alcoholic beverages may not be removed from the LIV Golf Event.
Proof of Identification
Guests must adhere to the legal drinking age applicable in the territory of the LIV Golf Event when purchasing or consuming alcohol. Proper identification is required of all HOLDERS and must be presented, regardless of age, to purchase any alcoholic beverage.
Attempting to use fraudulent identification, purchasing alcohol for a minor or any HOLDER who has been denied alcohol service, and/or attempting to purchase or possessing alcohol as a minor will result in immediate ejection without refund and possible arrest and/or revocation of Tickets and/or future ticket privileges.
There is a limit of two alcoholic beverages per HOLDER, per sale at concessions stands and portable carts
LIV Golf reserves the right to deny the sale or service of alcohol to HOLDERS who show signs of impairment. HOLDERS found in possession of alcohol after being warned not to consume or purchase alcohol face immediate ejection from the Venue without refund and possible arrest and/or revocation of Tickets and/or future ticket privileges.
HOLDERS who are or appear to be impaired, who deliberately conceal alcohol while attempting to enter the LIV Golf Event or who are in any other violation of the alcohol policy face immediate ejection from the Venue without refund and possible arrest and/or revocation of Tickets and/or future ticket privileges.
Service animals for HOLDERS with disabilities are permitted. All other animals are prohibited.
Entry and Carry-In Policy
Metal detectors are located at all entry gates and facial recognition technology may be used. Once HOLDERS have been screened and have had their bags checked, they will have their Tickets scanned. LIV Golf management strongly urges all HOLDERS to budget additional time for entry into the LIV Golf Event when planning their visit.
Before proceeding through metal detectors:
HOLDERS will be asked to remove cellphones, cameras and any large metal objects from their pockets and place them in a small plastic container for inspection. Additionally, bags and their interiors will be visually inspected by security personnel at a screening table alongside the metal detector. Only compliant bags – soft-sided opaque bags measuring 6x6x6 inches and smaller or clear bags 12x6x12 inches and smaller – will be admitted. HOLDERS will not be allowed to empty and collapse a non-approved bag into a clear bag. HOLDERS’ belongings will be in their sight throughout the screening process, and HOLDERS can pick up their belongings at the end of the table once they have proceeded through the metal detector. The removal of belts, shoes and jackets is not required.
All HOLDERS, including children, must be screened. Infants and toddlers may be carried through the metal detectors; those children who are able to walk may be asked to go through on their own. Those HOLDERS who choose not to or who are unable to go through a walk-through metal detector have the option of being checked with a hand-held metal detector or receiving a physical pat-down.
If the device detects something:
HOLDERS will be directed to the side, where they will be screened via a hand-held metal detector or physical pat-down. When the items in question are discovered, HOLDERS will be asked to present them for further inspection.
Any item or property that could affect the safety of the LIV Golf Event, its players, personnel, service providers, attendees, the Venue, LIV Golf’s or the Venue’s property shall not be permitted into the Venue. LIV Golf management reserves the right to prohibit or require the removal of any items at its sole and absolute discretion. Any person that could affect the safety of the LIV Golf Event, its players, personnel, service providers, attendees, the Venue, LIV Golf’s or the Venue’s property shall be denied entry.
Prohibited Items
HOLDERS may not carry/bring the following items into the Venue:
any bag larger than 6″ x 6″ x 6″, including carrying cases, backpacks, camera bags or chair bags
any clear plastic, vinyl or other carry items larger than 12″ x 12″ x 6″
briefcases, coolers or other hard-sided bags or containers
glass, cans, aluminium bottles or thermoses
laser pens
selfie sticks
mono/tripods or other professional camera equipment
video cameras or other equipment designed for the sole purpose of video and/or audio recording
laptop computers
firearms, knives or weapons of any kind
illegal drugs or substances
brooms, poles, staffs or sticks
golf clubs of any size
seat cushions
animals (except service animals to aid HOLDERS with disabilities)
air horns or other distracting noisemakers
any devices that may interfere with and/or distract any sports or event participant, other HOLDER related service provided at the LIV Golf Event
step ladders of any kind
helmets (e.g., bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets or baseball helmets)
masks or costumes
projectiles (e.g., Frisbees or beach balls)
aerosol cans (e.g., mace, pepper spray, hairspray or sunscreen)
confetti or glitter
visible obscene, indecent or inappropriate clothing
Such items will be prohibited from being brought into the LIV Golf Event. There is no storage area for these items. HOLDERS arriving by public transportation should take particular care not to bring any prohibited items, as no exceptions will be made.
HOLDERS are not permitted to leave the LIV Golf Event and return on the same Ticket. Re-entry will be permitted only in the case of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, please see security personnel prior to exiting the Venue.
Date: 7 June 2024