1. By submitting an entry for LIV Golf Promotions, you are entering into an agreement with LIV Golf Incorporated and LIV Golf Ltd. (together with its affiliates, parent companies and subsidiaries, “LIV Golf” and “LIV Golf League”), and you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that he has read and complies with these Terms and Conditions.

  2. It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure that their online entry is completed successfully and accurately, and all contact details are correct by close of entries 5pm EST November 20 2023. Late entries will not be accepted. Entry fees will only be refunded in full to entrants who satisfy one of the exemption categories but do not qualify for LIV Golf Promotions under these Terms and Conditions. If an entrant withdraws before or after close of entries (November 20 2023), their withdrawal is final and re-entry will not be permitted.

  3. All entries are subject to the approval of LIV Golf, which reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry or, having accepted, subsequently reject any entry without giving reasons for its decision, and/or to disqualify any person making a false statement in their online entry. LIV Golf League also reserves the right to remove a player from LIV Golf Promotions at any time due to conduct or non-competitive performance.

  4. Groupings, tee times, start order, caddie regulations and other logistical and competitive details are in LIV Golf’s sole discretion. Players are subject to all health and safety protocols applicable at LIV Golf Promotions as issued and updated by LIV Golf League from time to time.

  5. LIV Golf League will reimburse amateur players participating in LIV Golf Promotions for their reasonable actual expenses, including travel, accommodation and meals (for the player only) and caddie fees, subject to presentation of receipts satisfactory to LIV Golf League.

  6. LIV Golf League will seek media coverage and publicity for LIV Golf Promotions around and during LIV Golf Promotions, which may include coverage in the press and by live and recorded radio and television broadcasting and filming and on the internet. Each player by entering LIV Golf Promotions and thereby agreeing to these Terms and Conditions assigns to LIV Golf League and its assignees and licensees the right in perpetuity throughout the world to make, use, edit, exhibit and reproduce in any way now known or hereafter devised for commercial and/or other purposes from time to time and in its discretion, motion pictures, still pictures, live taped or filmed television, sound recordings and any other reproductions of any description of the player and/or his caddie (if applicable) made during or in connection with the Championship (including, without limitation, during practice and play) without compensation for the player or caddie or the heirs, successors, executors, administrators or assignees of the player or caddie. The player also assigns to LIV Golf League the right to use and reproduce the player and their caddie's name, voice, likeness and biographical material in any way now known or hereafter devised, without compensation for the player or caddie or the heirs, successors, executors, administrators or assignees of the player or caddie, including in circumstances where it may include the logo of a third party or of a sponsor or patron of LIV Golf League or LIV Golf Promotions, or for any subsequent events or any other activities undertaken by LIV Golf League. Players shall be responsible for ensuring that they hold all the necessary rights to grant the above assignments, including appropriate agreements with their caddies.

  7. Players and caddies are prohibited before, during or after any competition or practice round and at any press conference, ceremony or official event of LIV Golf Promotions from displaying any names, brands, logos, images and other marks and identifiers (“Marks”) on their person, equipment or apparel (including accessories, such as headwear, wristbands, socks, etc.) that LIV Golf League considers in its sole discretion, are or may be: prejudicial to the brand, image or reputation of LIV Golf League; insulting or offensive to the general community or any group or individual; and/or hateful, abusive, obscene or divisive. The location, size, and quantity of Marks on the person, equipment and apparel (including, without limitation, accessories, such as headwear, wristbands and socks) must be reasonable and in good taste, as determined by LIV Golf League in its sole discretion.

  8. In case of an emergency while participating in LIV Golf Promotions or otherwise during the week of LIV Golf Promotions, each entered player authorizes (i) LIV Golf League to arrange for or provide such medical assistance to the player as either of them determines necessary; (ii) any licensed physician, health care personnel and/or medical facility to provide any medical/surgical care and/or hospitalization of the player which such licensed physician, health care personnel and/or medical facility deem medically necessary or advisable. Each player authorizes any reasonably necessary emergency care, whether administered by paramedics or doctors or doctors’ staff. Each player also agrees to execute a copy of LIV Golf League’s form Emergency Medical Release.

  9. These Terms and Conditions of Participation will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of the State of New York.